WANA Beverage

WANA Beverage Visited “Nuôi Em” Project in Kon Rẫy, Kon Tum

For children in remote, challenging areas, the journey to education is still arduous. In these regions, children face difficulties where a complete meal with rice, vegetables, meat, and fish is not always guaranteed. Hunger often forces them to drop out of school.

Understanding these hardships, in 2023, WANA Beverage partnered with the “Nuoi Em” Project to provide full meals for a year to 50 children in Kon Tum Province, helping to motivate them to stay in school.

Principal Phuong Hong shared with WANA: “Most of the children have to walk to school every day. Some receive bicycles from the local government, but when the bikes break down, they don’t have the money to fix them. As a result, they either walk or are likely to drop out due to the strenuous journey. By the time they reach class, they are already sweating heavily. Thanks to the supported lunch meals, the children are motivated to stay for the afternoon classes. If they go home, they have no food and no supervision since their parents work far away.”

After one year, WANA representatives were delighted to visit and meet the children they are supporting, engaging in conversations to better understand their circumstances. This visit also serves as motivation for us to further develop and contribute positively to the community.

With just 150,000 VND per month, anyone can join us in supporting these children. Through these warm and loving meals, the children will have a brighter future.

For more information about the Nuoi Em Project, please visit: https://www.nuoiem.com/


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