WANA Beverage

Lose your weight thanks to prune juice

What effect does plum juice have on users is what many readers are interested in. Have you ever used prune juice? What does prune juice do? Besides being eaten fresh with salt and pepper, plum juices are also very popular. However, many readers expressed concerns about the health benefits of this juice. What is prune juice good for your body? Read this blog now.

What is prune juice?

Making sure the body stays hydrated is a great way to protect the organs. It is also one of the secrets to a healthy skin. Therefore, Nutritionists recommend that each person should add at least 1.2 – 2 liters of water per day depending on age as well as individual needs and circumstances. For those who are less interested in drinking water because they consider it bland, a way to add flavor and nutrients. This makes drinking water more enjoyable by adding fruit juices, such as prune juice, to your diet.

Prune juice can be made from prunes, or fresh plums depending on personal preference, and contains a variety of nutrients that can contribute to health promotion. This fruit is a great source of energy without causing a rapid spike in blood sugar. Prunes are also high in sugar, so they can be dried without fermentation. They are also rich in fiber, which can help regulate bowel and bladder function.

Plums are relatively low in calories, but contain a large amount of important vitamins and minerals. One plum contains the following nutrients:

  • Calories: 30
  • Carbs: 8 grams
  • Fiber: 1 gram
  • Sugar: 7 grams
  • Vitamin A: 5%
  • Vitamin C: 10%
  • Vitamin K: 5%
  • Potassium: 3%
  • Dong: 2%
  • Manganese: 2%

What is prune juice good for?

Relieves Constipation

This juice is well known for their ability to relieve constipation. This is partly due to the high amount of fiber found in prunes. One piece provides 1 gram of fiber. The fiber in plum is mostly insoluble, which means it doesn’t mix with water.

It plays a role in preventing constipation by adding bulk to your stool and can speed up the rate at which waste moves through the digestive tract. In addition, it contains sorbitol, which is a natural laxative chemical. If you’re using prunes juice, make sure it’s 100% juice with no added sugar. Also, limit your servings to 118–237 ml per day. 

Very rich in antioxidants

Plums are rich in antioxidants, which help reduce inflammation, neutralize, and protect cells from damage by free radicals. They are especially high in antioxidants called polyphenols, which have a positive effect on bone health and may help reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. In fact, some studies have shown that plums contain twice as much polyphenol antioxidants as other fruits known for their impressive antioxidant capacity, such as nectarines. Numerous laboratory studies and animal studies have found that the polyphenols in plums have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. There is also the ability to prevent damage to cells – one of the common causes of disease. In one test-tube study, the polyphenols in prunes significantly reduced inflammatory markers associated with joint and lung diseases.

May help lower blood sugar

Plums have properties that can help control your blood sugar. Despite being fairly high in carbs, this fruit doesn’t seem to significantly raise blood sugar after they’re eaten. This is thought to be due to their ability to increase levels of adiponectin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels.

Additionally, fiber may be partly responsible for their impact on blood sugar levels. Fiber slows down how quickly the body absorbs carbs after a meal, causing blood sugar to rise slowly, rather than spike. Furthermore, the consumption of fruits such as fresh plums is associated with a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.

Promotes bone health

Plums may be beneficial in improving bone health. Several studies have linked the consumption of prunes with a reduced risk of bone-related diseases, which are characterized by low bone density. Not only have prunes been shown to prevent bone loss, they are also capable of reversing bone loss that has already occurred.

Most of the evidence regarding prunes and bone health is based on results from animal studies and test-tube studies. However, there are also a small number of studies that have been done in humans on the link between prunes and bone health that have shown promising results. Compared to other fruits, this fruit seems to be most effective in preventing and reversing bone loss.

Notes while drinking prune juice

The nature of this fruit is hot, eating too much or consuming a lot of juice can cause: heat in the mouth, heat in the mouth, boils, etc. In particular, pregnant women should not use it because they may have a rash, affecting health and the fetus.

To make sure, we should not drink too much prune juice during the day, and do not use it on an empty stomach.

Some delicious recipes mix and match with prune juice 

In addition to using pure plum juice, which stands out for its sour and aromatic taste, you can also mix it with some other ingredients. Specifically, what does plum juice mix with to make it more delicious and nutritious? Here are some suggestions that WANA Beverage has searched:

  • Sugar plum juice
  • Plum juice with lemonade
  • Plum juice with apple 
  • Plum juice with peach
  • Plum juice with pear

How to store it?

If plums purchased to store in the appropriate cool temperature will be kept for about 1 week, plum juice does not have such a long “life cycle”. Like most juices, you should use them immediately after juicing for maximum nutritional quality and flavor. If you can’t use it right away, refrigerate it and use it within 2 days.

As with any juice, it will begin to oxidize (the same process that causes apples to turn brown). Exposure to sunlight or oxygen accelerates this decomposition, so you should store prune juice in an airtight container and fill it up. Absolutely do not drink if you find the juice strange or irregular in color.

Plum juice is a drink that is both easy to make and nutritious, helping to lose weight and clear body heat effectively. You can easily make this juice at home, suitable for detox menus for the body, weight loss and indigestion support. Now you have the answer for the question: what is prune juice good for? Let’s discover other useful fruit juices with WANA in other blogs!


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