WANA Beverage

Canned and PET Juice Suppliers to the EU and European Market

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  • Canned and PET Juice Suppliers to the EU and European Market

The European Union (EU) market for juice is rapidly expanding, with increasing demand for both canned and PET bottled juices. Entering this market requires suppliers to address various challenges and opportunities. In this article, we delve into the critical issues related to canned and PET bottled juices and highlight WANA Beverage’s bottled juice as a preferred choice for discerning consumers in the US and Americas.

Juice Suppliers: Key Packaging and Production Process Requirements

PET Bottles

PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) bottles are popular due to their lightweight nature, recyclability, and excellent preservation capabilities. However, using PET bottles presents several key issues:

Quality and Safety

PET bottles must meet strict food safety standards, ensuring they do not release harmful substances into the juice. Suppliers must use high-quality PET materials and adhere to rigorous quality control processes.

Environmental Impact

While PET is recyclable, plastic use still raises environmental concerns. Suppliers need to work on minimizing the environmental impact of plastic packaging, such as adopting energy-efficient manufacturing technologies and optimizing recycling processes.

Canned Juices

Canned juices are favored for their long shelf life and ability to preserve flavor. However, using cans also presents some challenges:

Can Quality

Cans must be leak-proof and capable of preserving the juice without affecting its quality over time. Suppliers need to ensure can quality through advanced packaging technologies to maintain high product standards.


Although cans are recyclable, aluminum can production requires significant energy and has considerable environmental impact. Suppliers should consider sustainable alternatives, such as using recycled aluminum or improving manufacturing processes.

Quality and Food Safety 

For both PET bottles and cans, quality and food safety are top priorities:

Quality Control

Both canned and PET bottled juices must undergo stringent quality control processes to ensure that products remain free from contamination or degradation during production and storage.

Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)

Adherence to GMP standards is essential to ensure the final product is safe for consumers. Suppliers must maintain rigorous hygiene practices and continuous quality testing to meet EU market requirements.

Regulatory Requirements and Certifications

EU Regulations 

Juice suppliers must understand and adhere to EU regulations regarding food safety, labeling, and advertising. This includes providing accurate information about ingredients, sourcing, and nutritional content on product packaging.


Certifications such as ISO 22000, HACCP, and FSSC 22000 are crucial for demonstrating product quality and safety. Achieving these certifications helps build trust with distributors and consumers and is often a prerequisite for entering the EU market.

Consumer Trends and Innovation: Insights into Juice Suppliers

Growth of Functional Juices

Juices containing functional ingredients, such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, are becoming more popular. Suppliers need to develop new formulas and improve products to meet this growing demand.

Packaging Innovation

Innovations in packaging, such as eco-friendly materials and convenient designs, are critical for attracting consumers. WANA Beverage, with advanced vacuum technology and a multilayer packaging structure, ensures that the juice retains its freshest flavor from the moment it is packaged until it reaches the consumer. This packaging not only protects the product from the effects of light, temperature, and air but also helps extend its shelf life without the need for preservatives. We also places great emphasis on convenience and user experience. Our packaging is designed to be easy to open, easy to hold, and convenient to carry. These small details make a big difference, making WANA’s products more approachable and user-friendly for consumers. 

One standout feature in WANA Beverage’s packaging design is the new attached cap technology. This technology keeps the cap securely attached to the bottle, making collection and recycling easier. When the cap and bottle are connected, the entire package can be collected and recycled together, reducing the likelihood of the cap being discarded separately and becoming difficult to process. This not only enhances recycling efficiency but also minimizes plastic waste, contributing to environmental protection efforts.

WANA Beverage: A Preferred Choice in the EU and European

WANA Beverage stands out with its bottled juice offerings, designed to cater to diverse customer tastes and preferences. WANA’s packaging not only impresses aesthetically but also helps maintain the flavor and freshness of the juice. The distinction of WANA lies not only in its packaging but also in its ability to preserve product quality through advanced packaging technology and stringent production processes.

Moreover, we prioritizes sustainability, from using recyclable materials to implementing environmentally friendly production practices. This commitment not only helps protect the environment but also appeals to discerning consumers who value eco-conscious products. WANA Beverage has become a favored choice among consumers in the EU and European due to its commitment to quality and continuous innovation.


Supplying canned and PET bottled juices to the EU market involves addressing various challenges related to product quality, stringent regulations, and sustainability. WANA Beverage’s success in providing high-quality bottled juice, with standout packaging design and environmental commitment, exemplifies how to meet international market demands. By understanding market dynamics and focusing on innovation and sustainability, juice suppliers can seize opportunities and achieve long-term success in this competitive market.

Read more: A Very Reasonable Beverage Supplier in EU and European Market


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